Cozy sweaters help me appreciate the moments...

I love this spot on my couch. I hardly ever sit down, in fact its hard for me to sit down unless everything around me is completely done. Now we all know that things are never done, we just add more to the list! I am the worst at adding so much that I forget to appreciate the moments. 

I am trying hard this year to find those moments and soak them up. In the last few days I've had to fight off my kids for this cozy spot! The laundry has sat for a couple hours, wrinkled- but worth it to take time and remind myself to breathe deeply. Why is it so difficult to sit still for a minute? 

So, here I am with my favorite mug of hot tea, curled up and just about to pull the blanket over my rather white, sunless legs! I am determined to no longer walk by my favorite places in the house, watching my kids play. I want to absorb them, remember them. 

Happy Wednesday friends, take a sec and enjoy something about today!






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