When Style Meets Comfort

I have been in the styling industry for 15 years, and one common thread with all women is that they want to be comfortable. I have been known to sacrifice comfort a few times in the name of fashion. While I had fun, it's not a look I repeat on a daily basis. But guess what?!... I have found something that promises both style and comfort! Meet the color block sweatshirt dress!
Ok how much fun is this dress? I know right?! It feels amazing on, doesn't cost a fortune, and is the perfect length. I have mine on with tall boots for a fall ready look! This dress can also be worn back with a slip on tenni shoe or bootie as well. The straight shape and fit of it makes it super easy for different body types to wear!
Whether I am going to a movie, a casual girls night, or a family dinner I know I can reach for this in my closet and feel happy every time! Now I know it is still warm outside, but not for long! And,I want you to be prepared for fall and ahead of the game, not panicked and over spendingwhen the seasons change. We are so close to September and hopefully some cooler weather as well! Hope you guys have an incredible week! Please know that I am forever grateful for your support and trust!