How to Wear a Cape Blazer and Look Like a #BOSSBABE

Wearing blazers can start to feel repetitive and boring. Don’t get me wrong, I love a great blazer on and I believe it to be a staple in every wardrobe! However, there comes a time when it is fun to change it up a bit and plunge into something a bit less expected! 

The cape blazer is the perfect combination of serious and trend! It says, “Hey, I know all about fashion, and I can still wear this to work if I want!”

I sassed up my look for more of a night time vibe with a pleated leather mini and metallic heels!  This same look is perfect with slacks or skinny jeans and a black bootie! 

So if you have been afraid to try this out or just feel like its too out there for you, stop that! Anything is possible with a cape, especially when you put black on underneath. That’s my go to trick! Enjoy trying something new!



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