My recap - 3 Things You Must Have at New York Fashion Week

My recap - 3 Things You Must Have at New York Fashion Week

1 - Friends 

Surrounding yourself with like minded women in the crazy world of fashion is not only necessary, it’s life saving. I have been so fortunate to meet some of the most amazing girls and create the best memories. You guys all know that social media, while it is very exciting, can be incredibly draining. Fashion week is the same way. Full of thrills and exhausting at the same time. One of the most important decisions that I make when I plan my fashion week is who I surround myself with. Laughing, eating, and sharing clothes are all requirements that make this week so much more than just about fashion. 

2 - Fashion 

I will be the first to admit, I put so much pressure on myself because I want killer looks that stand out…because it’s fashion week! This year I took a bit of a different approach and tried not to over think it. I chose to wear a lot of solid colored pieces and simple styles that I could make edgy with the right shoes and bags. It gave me such peace of mind. I always tell people to stick with what they love, and that’s exactly what I did. 

3 - A Fabulous Hotel 

I stayed at the Dream Hotel located in mid-town. The service was absolutely amazing and roof top bar lives up to it’s reputation. While the rooms where a bit small, (honestly almost all of them are in NY), they were chic and well decorated. New York offers so many places to stay, it’s hard to know where to start sometimes. If you are planning on staying in mid-town this is your spot. It’s walking distance to Central Park and there are so many great restaurant options nearby. 

This really is one of my favorite times of the year because I know it makes me better at my job and NY is so full of life! What I’ve learned is that surrounding yourself with people who are good for your soul, wearing what you love, and having a great place to stay, make NYFW something I look forward to every year.



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