She wants to go to work work work….

My poor kids, they have learned to adapt and play along to this mom blogger life so well. I feel like they know that grabbing a snack for the car on photo shoot day is a huge priority. lol… I asked my daughter not too long ago if she wanted to help me with a few looks and she was thrilled! I really wanted to find a way to include her in the process of what I do so that she could be a part of it. 

She loves the camera, me not so much. Case and I have a joke that if he takes enough pictures of me surely one has to turn out decent! I loved getting to hold her hand and laugh naturally as she did her thing and I saw this energetic confidence that I had somehow missed during the daily business of life. 

Now, we both love an easy dress, and I was able to find three that fit the budget perfectly. My girl is at that age where wearing something similar to me is still kinda cool and I ate it up! So here are a few of our favorite dresses at incredible prices!



Riane Hubbart1 Comment