The Long Look of Fall…and it’s on sale!

Halogen Long Blend Sweater | Current Elliot Destroyed Skinny Jeans | Jimmy Choo Pump
Yes it's still hot as can be and yes I’m blogging on a huge fall trend! I want all of you to be in the know and ahead of the game. So, ignore the outside temps and turn your ac on high for a few minutes as you read this!
Now, let's talk about the long vest look. We all have owned a vest but this long and lean twist has me pumped! This Halogen vest is an absolute must and I will tell you why. The fabric is lovely and super light weight, meaning you won’t have to wait until January to show it off! I love the soft gray because it allows the vest to be incredibly versatile. Yay for lots of looks! Lastly, this NEW trend is on sale as we speak! If you don't know about the Nordstrom anniversary sale, you should! The store brings in NEW fall product and marks it down (most 40%), for a few weeks only. This allows for a great shopping experience because you are not digging through trends you have seen your friends wearing for months, all the while waiting for the sale markdown. My loves, run don’t walk to this event, and while you’re at it, snag this vest look!
Happy sale shopping!