The Ultimate Gift Guide for Your Bride
We are trying something a little bit different on this post today! Since it is a gift buying guide for women, my man @stello_fello will be sharing with you his Ultimate Gift Guide for your bride. I hope you enjoy his truth and humor as much as I do! Plus side, he's pretty smart. I'm excited for Christmas for sure this year!
This is my first time writing a blog on women's fashion, but I feel good about it :-). If you are anything like me, you consistently put off buying your wife's christmas presents. This is not because you don’t love her, but simply because you don’t want to drive to the mall, awkwardly walk around the women’s department wondering if you should ask the lady for help but not wanting her to think you are hitting on her. All this in efforts to find that one or those perfect gifts that when she opens…will probably just be returned and exchanged for something she actually wants. So, with Riane’s help I’ve put together a top 10 list to make shopping this Holiday season easier for you. Here’s the ultimate gift guide for your bride…or any other women you will be purchasing gifts for this Christmas.
1. Sweatshirts and Sweaters: It’s finally cold here in Texas again, and women love to stay warm and cozy. Riane wrecks the casual look - a sweatshirt and some tights for running around during the day = emoji 100! In fact it’s probably my favorite look… Sweatshirts are quick and easy, and there are some great brands out there right now. If you want a fancier look, check out these sweaters too. Riane loves sweaters that she can layer up with scarves and a beanie. Either way, warm and cozy makes a great gift!
2. Handbags: I don’t know why but women love bags…and they want a lot of them for all their different activities. Riane shops for bags envisioning what she’s going to do with said bag in 6 months and why it’s such a great idea to buy. All to say, snag a bag, put it in a bag, and give it to her. You’re welcome.
3. Winter Boots: Back to that warm and cozy idea. What better reason for a woman to get more shoes than a change of season. It’s cold and wet outside, so grab her some of these sweet winter boots! I’m getting these for Riane cause she’s going to slay (see what I did there?...) in these fuzzy snow boots with her ripped denim, that cozy sweatshirt I told you about earlier and a beanie with one of those little pompoms on top when we take the kids to NYC! (now you’re asking why can I rattle off these women’s apparel ideas…it’s cause I see it all day long… #instahubs #allday)
4. Party Dresses: I don’t know what all women think, but I do know that mine wants to kill it in a dress when we go to parties…and she does. Here’s a few that won’t empty your wallet but are still great for those holiday parties coming up. I got the Black Sequin Minidress for Riane for this Friday. She just doesn't know it yet.
5. Pajamas: Yes, there is a warm and cozy theme happening here. Women love pajamas or at least mine does. The warmer and cozier the better. Here are some great comfy options: shorts, pants, fuzzy tops, light tops, etc…
6. Shoes: Grab your woman some fresh kicks this year! Adidas superstars are a great classic option and are huge right now. Nike, Adidas, & Puma all have some great classics out right now as well as some more edgy options if your girl likes to rock her sneaks like those shoe geeks…aka "sneaker-heads"
7. Accessories: These make great stocking stuffers! Water bottles, hats, scarfs, head bands, fit bits, etc… Riane loves to open things. Even if it’s something small and cheap, she feels loved when you give her gifts. So the more I can pack in the stocking the better! Here are some great under $25 options to load up her stocking!
8. Jewelry: We can’t not mention jewelry in this gift guide. When I think jewelry I automatically think “every kiss begins with…” or “he went to Jared’s!”… and I’m out. I’m one of those guys that won’t go to your store simply because you made me listen to your stupid jingle. However; we don’t have to toss the entire idea because of some dopey commercial slogans that have plagued us for years, nor do we have to spend thousands to achieve victory in the jewelry department. Here are a few great options that are current and on trend for the season.
9. Headphones: Yes, she needs headphones too! In part because if she doesn’t have any she’s going to steal yours on the next plane ride and you’ll be stuck listening to your iPhone come-alongs that shorted out cause you over cardio’d and the left side stopped working. I’m just saying, grab her some sweet phones, a dual splitter outlet, and enjoy a movie together on your next trip out of town.
10. Workout pants or tights: "Do you like my stretchy pants?" - Yes.
You may be asking, so did you actually buy any of these things for Riane? Yes, I did. 5 actually. That's why she doesn't get to fully edit this post or read it until after the fact. Last tips - consider what they like and what they don't. Colors they gravitate towards and ways that they can use consistently what you are getting. And And... most of these things you can have gift wrapped for you when you order if that helps. The gift wrap option will be in your cart next to the item and says "add message or gift wrap" or "add gift options" depending on where you are buying from.
I don't do x's and o's but I do do fist bumps and high fives!